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Street Angel trailer Image Comics


NY77: The Coolest Year in Hell

Grandmaster Caz and Dj Disco Wiz battle Afrika Bambataa.

Illustrations by Jim Rugg

Fear, Loathing, and Comics, at the Basement Sale​

Documentary about New Dimension Comics' basement sale by

Julie Sokolow, featuring Todd McDevitt, Jasen Lex, Ed Piskor, Tom Scioli, and Jim Rugg

Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum​

Documentary by Jullie Sokolow featuring Caitlin McGurk, Ed Piskor,

Jasen Lex, and Jim Rugg

Street Angel Short Film​

Directed by Lucas Testro

A Studio Visit with Jim Rugg | Part III: The STREET ANGEL GANG​

Documentary by Frank Santoro and Michael Pisano

A Studio Visit with Jim Rugg | Part I: Ninjatech

Documentary by Frank Santoro and Michael Pisano

A Studio Visit with Jim Rugg | Part II: Ghost Monster

Documentary by Frank Santoro and Michael Pisano

SPX 2017 Panel - Eleanor Davis and Jillian Tamaki in Conversation

Moderated by Jim Rugg

SPX 2017 Panel - Gilbert Hernandez & Jim Rugg in Conversation 

© 2018 by Jim Rugg

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